Re-vamping PIFSS’s Exterior Lighting Scheme
Gulf Consult in association with Bartenbach Lichtlabor of Austria has signed an agreement with Wafra Real Estate Company for the Study, Redesign, and Upgrade the Lighting Scheme for the Building Façade of the Public Institution for Social Security Headquarters Building and Branches.
PIFSS’s main headquarters building in Kuwait City, together with five branches in Sulaibikhat, Mishref, South Surra, Ahmadi, Ardia will be revamped and enhanced for special occasions such as Kuwait National/Liberation Day, Eid and other important occasions. The design that will be developed will aim to create a functional, unique, and exciting lighting system that will become a feature identifying the PIFSS properties.
PIFSS have set a challenging Work Program, as it requires the new lighting system to be operational for the February 2014 celebrations.