Gulf Consult in association with TRO Jung|Brannen were commissioned to prepare the American University for Medical Sciences Master Plan for the Thermar Education Company.
Themar Education Company
Themar Education Company
Master Planning Services and Conceptual Architecture and Engineering
Fees only
Medical Sciences University and support facilities including student housing, sports and recreational facilities, outpatient clinics, teaching hospital, commercial centre and 2030 structure car parking spaces
Completed 2010
TRO Jung|Brannen
Gulf Consult in association with TRO Jung|Brannen were commissioned to prepare the American University for Medical Sciences Master Plan for the Thermar Education Company.
The University is to be developed on a site of 100,000 m2 in West Fintas, approximately 25 kilometers south of Kuwait City.
The Master Plan consists of a private Medical Sciences University with Colleges for Dentistry, Medicine, Health Sciences and Pharmacy along with support facilities including student housing, sports and recreational facilities, outpatient clinics, a teaching hospital and a commercial centre.
The University Master Plan was prepared to accommodate approximately 6,000 students and 600 faculty and administration staff, and has a total built up area of approximately 114,000 m2.
The consulting team prepared three Master Planning Options, and together with the Client selected a radial scheme due to the maximum connectively between buildings and the strong organization of built form.
The Master Plan proposes five phases of development of the university buildings and associated facilities over a 10 year period, with an overall construction budget of approximately KD 42.1 million.