The plant was designed to fill L.P.G cylinders for domestic use. The complex, built over 85,000m2 of land, consists of 19,000m2 built space.
Mina Abdulla, Kuwait
Kuwait Oil Tankers Company
Studies, Full Design and Construction Supervision.
KD 3.0 million
19,000 m2 of built-up space for storage of 400 tons of L.P.G and filling of cylinders
Completed 1999
The plant was designed to fill L.P.G cylinders for domestic use. The complex, built over 85,000m2 of land, consists of 19,000m2 built space.
In addition to the main filling centre, it includes a tank farm to store 400 tons of L.P.G, water reservoir and tower, a gas pumping station, stores and workshops.
The project had sophisticated fire fighting, gas detection and fire alarm systems in addition to special spark proof electrical outlets.