The Eye Center, Dr. Al-Sabti envisions, is radically different from his current practice and from the other ophthalmic practices. It will handle upwards of 750 patients per day by 10 doctors.
Dr. Khalid Al Sabti
Design and Construction Supervision Services
Completed 2016
The Eye Center, Dr. Al-Sabti envisions, is radically different from his current practice and from the other ophthalmic practices. It will handle upwards of 750 patients per day by 10 doctors.
It will do this in a facility that is calm and peaceful, not the overcrowded, “busy” clinics common in the region.
Currently, Dr. Al-Sabti is one of the fastest practicing ophthalmologists and sees patients by himself. All the spaces in the clinic, all the staff and all the patients are just for him. In the future clinic there will be 9 other providers seeing patients at the same time who will also compete for resources.
Currently, Dr. Al-Sabti sees general ophthalmology patients as well as retina patients. In the future clinic his practice will tend towards concentrating on retina patients. This patient mix will cause Dr. Al-Sabti to see patients at a slower rate than he currently does.
The property on which the building is to sit contains 1,010.5 m2. Of this, the building can cover 50% of the land.
Gulf Consult, the Kuwaiti architectural firm for the projects, has developed 7 shell plan concepts. These concepts merely look at the potential shell development.