Um Al Aish Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Filling Plant

Architectural and Engineering Concept Design and Project Management Consultancy.

Um Al Aish, Kuwait


Kuwait Oil Tanker Company (KOTC)


Architectural and Engineering Concept Design and Project Management Consultancy.


KD. 40.0 million


Site Area: 150,000 m­2




Mouchel, U.K

Gulf Consult in joint venture with Mouchel were commissioned by the Kuwait Oil Tanker Company (KOTC) for the Architectural and Engineering Concept Design and Project Management Consultancy for the Um Al Aish Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Filling Plant

Um Al Aish is approximately 40 km north of Kuwait City and 2 km east of Highway 80. This site has been strategically chosen in order for this new LPG Filling Plant to service all of the north of Kuwait, from Jahra to the Iraq border. The site area of the plant is 15 ha, which will make it the largest plant in Kuwait.

The plant includes a full range of technical and administrative facilities:
  • LPG Tank Farm
  • LPG Filling Area
  • Main Control Room Watch Towers
  • Administration Buildings
  • Warehouses and Workshops
  • Social Building
  • Mosque